# Patch string format # FileGuid SectionType PatchType:FindPatternOrOffset:ReplacePattern # Please ensure that the latest symbol in patch string is space # Possible section types: # PE32 image 10 # Position-independent code 11 # TE Image 12 # DXE Dependency 13 # Version information 14 # User interface string 15 # 16-bit code 16 # Guided freeform 18 # Raw data 19 # PEI Dependency 1B # SMM Dependency 1C # Please do not try another section types, it can make the resulting image broken # Possible patch types: # P - pattern-based, first parameter is a pattern to find, second - a pattern to replace # O - offset-based, first parameter is hexadecimal offset, second - a pattern to replace # Patterns can have . as "any possible value" symbol # for xx40 thinkpads. no warranties. do not use if dumb - \x # LenovoWmaPolicyDxe | Whitelist removal | T440p W540 T540 # https://github.com/thrimbor/thinkpad-uefi-patches/ 79E0EDD7-9D1D-4F41-AE1A-F896169E5216 10 P:0bc841390b0f8468010000:0bc841390be96901000000 79E0EDD7-9D1D-4F41-AE1A-F896169E5216 10 P:41390b7517:41390b7500 79E0EDD7-9D1D-4F41-AE1A-F896169E5216 10 P:41394b04741b:41394b04eb1b # LenovoWmaPolicyDxe | Whitelist removal | L540 1.93 test1 | \x #79E0EDD7-9D1D-4F41-AE1A-F896169E5216 10 P:0BC841390B0F8438010000:0BC841390B90E938010000 #79E0EDD7-9D1D-4F41-AE1A-F896169E5216 10 P:41390b7517:41390b7500 #79E0EDD7-9D1D-4F41-AE1A-F896169E5216 10 P:41394B04741C:41394B04EB1C # LenovoWmaPolicyDxe | Whitelist removal | T440 2.41 test1 | \x #79E0EDD7-9D1D-4F41-AE1A-F896169E5216 10 P:41390C240F8466010000:41390C2490E966010000 #79E0EDD7-9D1D-4F41-AE1A-F896169E5216 10 P:41390C247516:41390C247500 #79E0EDD7-9D1D-4F41-AE1A-F896169E5216 10 P:41394C2404741B:41394C2404EB1B # SystemFormBrowserCoreDxe | advanced menu enable | \x 32442D09-1D11-4E27-8AAB-90FE6ACB0489 10 P:04320B483CC2E14ABB16A73FADDA475F:778B1D826D24964E8E103467D56AB1BA # enable the bottom patches only for a mem overclocker #PlatformHiiAdvancedDxe | show XMP and manual memory timings | \x #CFEF94C4-4167-466A-8893-8779459DFA86 10 P:4084EC00450A0200000000000000:4084EC00450A0100000000000000 #CFEF94C4-4167-466A-8893-8779459DFA86 10 P:4084EC00450A0300000000000000:4084EC00450A0100000000000000 #CFEF94C4-4167-466A-8893-8779459DFA86 10 P:450A0300000000000000300240043C27450A0300000000000000:450A0100000000000000300240043C27450A0100000000000000 #PlatformHiiAdvancedDxe | show XMP and manual memory timings (cleaned up)| \x #CFEF94C4-4167-466A-8893-8779459DFA86 10 P:4084EC00450A0300000000000000:4084EC00450A0100000000000000 #CFEF94C4-4167-466A-8893-8779459DFA86 10 P:450A0300000000000000300240043C27450A030000000000000030021502:450A0100000000000000300240043C27450A010000000000000030021602